Saturday, November 14, 2009

#12 ROLLYO (Later) -- #13 -

There is a lot of social networking going on -- many, many ways to keep me connected with others -- for many different reasons. There are my Twitter followers (well, actually my Facebook friends), my photo friends (Flickr), my LibraryThing friends, and now my Folksonomy (tagging) friends. I must admit, my first reaction to was - I already have lots of bookmarks - all alphabetized and easy to find, why another technology? I dutifully listened to the both the podcast and the tutorial. Light began to dawn. Then, I followed the link to PLCMCL2's account, clicked on "tags", then on "reference" :). I went out and back a few times and discovered that the tags change very quickly. It's necessary to grab that link and save the bookmark. I could see that this could be useful - especially for sharing links with collaborators. I did not set up my own account at this time, but could definitely envision doing so in the future. Do you know I immediately found sites that I didn't know existed and certainly don't want to forget about. I found the comments and think they could be useful. Sharing tags with other librarians can help to keep up with reference resources -- but one does have to wonder how to keep up with the bookmarks?
P.S. I haven't been able to get into ROLLYO. But I will keep trying.

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